Number of international students is indicated in parentheses.
Number of international students : 703
(Undergraduate Program + Graduate School)

Undergraduate Program

  • As of May 1, 2024

College of Art and Design

Department 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year* Total
Japanese Painting 41 (6) 42 (5) 43 (5) 40 (4) 166 (20)
Painting (Painting Course) 125 (12) 122 (13) 131 (21) 121 (13) 499 (59)
Painting (Printmaking Course) 30 (4) 42 (5) 72 (9)
Painting (Graphic Arts Course) 28 (3) 29 (5) 57 (8)
Sculpture 38 (11) 34 (7) 36 (2) 37 (4) 145 (24)
Visual Communication Design 118 (7) 124 (5) 119 (4) 123 (4) 484 (20)
Industrial, Interior and Craft Design 127 (19) 133 (28) 133 (26) 152 (27) 545 (100)
Scenography, Display and Fashion Design 115 (20) 117 (16) 113 (18) 123 (13) 468 (67)
Architecture 80 (14) 86 (14) 70 (7) 73 (8) 309 (43)
Science of Design 98 (8) 76 (6) 79 (9) 86 (12) 339 (35)
Imaging Arts and Sciences 1 1 (0)
Art, Culture and Design Studies 79 (2) 90 (9) 78 (5) 77 (8) 324 (24)
Design Informatics 82 (8) 88 (9) 81 (6) 89 (12) 340 (35)
Total 931 (110) 941 (117) 913 (107) 964 (110) 3,749 (444)
  • ( ):Number of international students
  • *4th Year: including students graduating September 2024
  • *Department of Imaging Arts and Sciences : From April 2019, relocated to College of Creative Thinking for Social Innovation.
  • *From April 2023, the name of the Department of Painting Printmaking Course has changed to the Graphic Arts Course.

College of Creative Thinking for Social Innovation

Department 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year* Total
Creative Innovation 87 (6) 87 (5) 76 (1) 82 (9) 332 (21)
Imaging Arts and Sciences 89 (8) 82 (7) 81 (5) 93 (9) 345 (29)
Total 176 (14) 169 (12) 157 (6) 175 (18) 677 (50)
  • ( ):Number of international students

Graduate School

  • As of May 1, 2024

Graduate School of Art and Design

Course Master's Degree Program Doctoral Degree Program
1st Year 2nd Year* Total 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
Japanese Painting 15 (3) 15 (7) 30 (10) 6
Painting 26 (4) 24 (12) 50 (16)
Printmaking 11 (6) 13 (3) 24 (9)
Sculpture 15 (4) 8 (2) 23 (6)
Science of Art and Design 2 (1) 2 (0) 4 (1)
Arts Policy and Management 6 (5) 2 (1) 8 (6)
Visual Communication Design 11 (10) 11 (8[1]) 22 (18)
Industrial, Interior and Craft Design 12 (9) 18 (11) 30 (20)
Scenography, Display and Fashion Design 6 (4) 5 (5) 11 (9)
Architecture 14 (4) 18 (10) 32 (14)
Science of Design 9 (6) 6 (5[1]) 15 (11)
Design Informatics 7 (6) 4 (4) 11 (10)
Total 134
  • ( ):Number of international students
  • [ ]:Number of MEXT Scholarship Recipients
  • *2nd Year: including students graduating September 2024

Graduate School of Creative Thinking for Social Innovation

Course Master's Degree Program Doctoral Degree Program
1st Year 2nd Year* Total 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
Creative Leadership 28 (7) 24 (3) 52 (10) 3
Imaging Arts and Sciences 34 (23) 27 (23[1]) 61 (46)
Total 62
  • ( ):Number of international students

Country of Origin of International Students

Undergraduate Program

  • As of May 1, 2024

College of Art and Design
College of Creative Thinking for Social Innovation

Country / Region 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Total
China 75 63 72 62 272
Korea 41 63 40 60 [1] 204
Taiwan 4 1 1 4 10
Hong Kong 2 0 0 0 2
Malaysia 0 1 0 0 1
Vietnam 0 0 0 1 1
Thailand 0 1 0 0 1
Germany 1 0 0 0 1
Singapore 1 0 0 0 1
Iran 0 0 0 1 1
Total 124 129 113 128 494

Graduate School

  • As of May 1, 2024

Graduate School of Art and Design
Graduate School of Creative Thinking for Social Innovation

Country / Region Master's Degree Program Doctoral Degree Program Total
1st Year 2nd Year Total 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total
China 86 87 173 2 5 10 17 190
Korea 1 4 5 0 1 2 3 8
Taiwan 5 0 5 0 0 1 1 6
Mexico 0 1 [1] 1 0 0 0 0 1
Chile 0 1 [1] 1 0 0 0 0 1
Thailand 0 1 [1] 1 0 0 0 0 1
Germany 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
USA 0 0 0 0 0 1 [1] 1 1
Total 92 94 186 3 6 14 23 209