Years 1 & 2
An intensive two-year period that combines education in art and design and the liberal arts with modern social and industrial knowledge to cultivate creative thinking
Students learn about art and design (expression and artisanal manufacturing) and the liberal arts, consolidating the foundations of their creative thinking. Through unique exercises and practical subjects based on modern social and industrial systems (schemes and structures), students hone their observational skills and insight, enabling them to identify latent problems by employing a diverse range of perspectives and approaches.
Years 3 & 4
Two years of applying creative thinking to the real world through project-based classes at the Ichigaya Campus undertaken in partnership with companies
The outstanding accessibility of the Ichigaya Campus enables students to pursue their studies in the midst of a real-world environment, working in close partnership with companies. The campus features a dedicated space for collaborative projects involving industry and academia, with students taking on the challenge of real-life issues in project-based classes. Students build their own networks of connections with a view to undertaking an internship with a company, to facilitate even more practical education. In addition, education at this level is integrated with graduate school classes, offering an environment conducive to generating more diverse, higher-level ideas through discussion with graduate students.