OISHI Hiroaki
- 専門
- デジタルアート、コンピュータグラフィックス
Digital art, Computer graphics - 所属
- デザイン情報学科
Design Informatics - 職位
- 准教授
Associate Professor - 略歴
- 2021年4月着任
九州大学大学院 芸術工学府 芸術工学専攻修了
学位:修士(芸術工学) - 研究テーマ
- 身体拡張としてのコンピュータを用いた映像表現とインタラクション。
In addition to flat displays, there are a wide variety of media for displaying visual information, such as projections into physical space and three-dimensional objects, VR devices such as head-mounted displays, and AR by synthesizing real space and CG. In addition to the grammar of visual expression, the ability to appropriately select display media according to the content and exhibition conditions, understand the characteristics of each, and effectively utilize them to demonstrate creativity is required for the production of video content.
I will reconsider the medium of video and conduct education and research to create creative and next-generation digital content through technological approaches such as computer graphics and programming.
Moving Creates Vortices and Vortices Create Movement(2017) https://www.teamlab.art/jp/w/vortices/
Universe of Water Particles on a Rock where People Gather(2018) https://borderless.teamlab.art/jp/ew/iwa-waterparticles/
Multi Jumping Universe(2018) https://borderless.teamlab.art/jp/ew/multi_jumping_universe_tokyo/
Universe of Water Particles in the Tank, Transcending Boundaries(2019) https://www.teamlab.art/jp/w/universe_of_water_particles_tank/
Megaliths in the Bath House Ruins(2019) https://www.teamlab.art/jp/w/megaliths_bathhouse/
Universe of Water Particles on a Rock Hill where People Gather(2019) https://borderless.teamlab.art/shanghai/jp/ew/rockhill_where_people_gather_shanghai/
The Columns(2019) https://borderless.teamlab.art/shanghai/jp/ew/columns_shanghai/