HARA Kazufumi
- 専門
- 彫刻
Sculpture - 所属
- 共通絵画
Painting Laboratory Open to All Majors - 職位
- 教授
Professor - 略歴
- 1994年9月着任
武蔵野美術大学卒業(学士) - 研究テーマ
- 金属彫刻による造形研究、材料、技術、技法研究および 近現代の彫刻概念の成立における比較研究。
'85年田村画廊、'86・'87年ときわ画廊、'88年村松画廊、'02・'05年ギャラリー山口、'10年コートギャラリー国立、'12年画廊岳などで個展開催。'84-'91年行動美術展出品、'84年「第15回日本国際美術展」、'85年「埼玉現代美術の祭典」、'89年「第3回東京野外現代彫刻展」「第4回国民文化祭埼玉'89」、'90年「第9回安田火災美術財団奨励賞展」「第18回日本国際美術展」、'93年「湘南ひらつか野外彫刻展」、'95年「鹿島彫刻コンクール優秀マケット展」、'96年「美濃加茂彫刻シンポジウム」、'98年「アートヒル三好ヶ丘彫刻フェスタ〔マケット秀作賞〕」「朝来2001野外彫刻展in多々良木'98〔一次審査通過〕」「青森県保険衛生大学(仮称)開学記念青森野外彫刻展'99〔入選〕」、'00年「アートヒル三好ヶ丘彫刻フェスタ〔優秀模型〕」「現代日本彫刻展〔マケット入選〕」、'01年「洞爺村国際彫刻ビエンナーレ2001〔大賞〕」、'02年「Art Jam展」ギャラリー山口。
Kazufumi Hara was born in 1959 in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. He graduated from the Metal Course of the Department of Industrial, Interior and Craft Design at Musashino Art University in 1982.
Because his paternal and maternal relatives worked as blacksmiths, Hara feels that he was destined to become a formative artist who works with metal. He creates metal sculptures, which are often described as craft-like. He believes this is because the Japanese concept of art was formed after the Meiji Restoration (late 19th century) and was based on emulating Europe. Did art not exist before the Meiji period?
As seen from the establishment of separate departments of oil painting and Japanese painting, Japanese art, originally meaning Japanese painting, is a blend of both Japanese painting and oil (or European) painting. Fortunately, sculpture was not divided into Japanese and European sculpture. Therefore, formative art which was originally grouped in Japanese sculpture was placed below the attribute of fine art in the name of “kougei.* ”
Hara is interested in the Japanese aesthetics of formative art. He continues to pursue his study and creation of what matches his idea of aesthetics.
* The Japanese word “kougei” is usually translated as “craft” or “craftwork,” but there is a difference in meaning. With an ambiguous distinction from art, kougei refers to a wide range of objects which include handmade objects intended for visual appreciation to simple folkcraft.
回転体I 回転体II
プライウッド積層、和紙 φ140×70cm φ200×60cm 2010年
鉄 φ146×35cm 2012年
西方のシタデル (CITADEL in the west)
耐候性鋼、石 20×30×40cm 2001年 撮影:宮下晃久
八角形は幸福か (Melancholy of octagon)
軟鉄、ガラス(一部格障子) 94×1580×88cm 2004年 撮影:三本松淳